Dr. Philip Liu Award for Innovation in Anesthesia Education

SEA is pleased to announce a new award for members. Starting in 2017, two awards for research will be presented in honor of Dr. Philip Liu, a founding member of SEA. This award was established by the gracious benevolence of the Liu family, and we were pleased to have Dr. Letty Liu and Dr. Leila Mei Pang with us for the announcement at the 2016 Fall meeting.

Dr. Phil Liu was a founding member of SEA in 1984. He was active in education throughout his career. He was part of the Interhospital Study Group that initiated the Anesthesia Knowledge Test (AKT), which is still in use today. Through his support at the ASA, PBLDs were included at every annual meeting. Many SEA members participate in this highly educational activity. Dr. Liu was not only a founding member of SEA but also remained active even after his retirement. SEA members will remember his lively involvement in discussions and his wonderful sense of humor.

Dr. Letty Liu & Dr. Leila Mei Pang
Dr. Liu passed away in 2014. His family honored his passion in education by creating an award that supports innovation in education. Two $1,000 awards–The Philip Liu Award for Innovation in Curriculum and the Philip Liu Award for Education Research. The first awards will be awarded at the SEA Spring Meeting 2017. Details can be found on the SEA website.

The SEA Board of Directors and Research Committee would like to take this opportunity to thank the family of Dr. Philip Liu for this very generous donation that will support innovation in education and enrich future meetings.

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