Welcome to another addition of the SEA newsletter!
It’s been a wildly productive year from SEA on many fronts. While all committees have been amazing, I’ll hit just a few highlights here and invite you to peruse the newsletter.
First a shoutout to Bryan Mahoney and Dave Stahl, the masterminds behind the PD’s at SEA podcast. This series has been tackling several key issues in our specialty with intelligence, wit, and humor. I strongly suggest that you check it out if you have not yet.
Next an acknowledgement of the meetings committee, and the planning going into place for the Spring meeting in Philadelphia by Dante Cerza and Lauren Buhl. The fall meeting led by Titi Aina and Karisa Walker was amazing, so it sets the bar high, but the teasers I’ve seen suggest it will be amazing! Registration is now open, so please join us!
As the workshop on teaching recently wrapped up, my faculty friends returned raving about this incredible course. I was left overwhelmed when I reflected on the selfless efforts of our members who lead this endeavor, many of whom have done so for decades. Thank you to Melissa Davidson, Stephen Kimatian, Ira Todd Cohen, Stacy Fairbanks, Gary E. Loyd, Bridget Marroquin and J. Thomas McLarney.
Finally, a brief suggestion that if you are looking for worthwhile places to donate this year, consider SEA’s SEAd funds or the SEA HVO travelling fellowship. These worthy causes help support our members as they embark on journeys of research and education. Programs like these are the lifeblood of SEA and help us empower the next generation of educational leaders.
On a personal note, I enter 2024 optimistic and energized. Our society has more opportunities than ever to collaborate with a wide array of organizations to further the mission of education within our specialty. I will work hard to explore and develop these opportunities alongside of our leadership team and make sure that there are opportunities for our members to share their expertise across our specialty.
Thank you for your continued support of our SEA! Your commitment and contributions help us to lead our specialty forward.