President's Corner
This will be my final contribution to the SEA newsletter as President. It provides me with the opportunity to reflect on what we have accomplished in the last two years and where we are going in the future. We emerged from COVID hungry for contact and renewed academic vigor, even as we struggled with less time and money allocated for educational endeavors. As a society, we have worked hard to provide our members with enhanced mentoring, resources and support. We continue to work together to address the issues we all face and develop creative solutions to our problems. I am proud of our demonstration of resilience and enthusiastic attack on problems that others have resigned themselves to.
We have shined in our integration of research and technology into education. Our mentoring network for research is robust and successful. We share ideas on how to apply the latest tools to conduct research and facilitate teaching and learning. It has been a great joy for me personally to reconnect with former trainees and partners through SEA designed programs to help them navigate their research and careers.