Proposed Bylaws Amendments for SEA

The SEA Bylaws Committee, led by Dr. Karen Souter, SEA Immediate Past-President and Chairperson of the Bylaws Committee has developed suggested amendments to the SEA Bylaws.

Please click the link below to download a draft of the proposed Bylaws amendments.

Download Proposed Bylaws Amendments

New added verbiage denoted by red print/ Stricken out language denote with strikeout.

In addition, below is a summary of the proposed amendments and justification by the Bylaws Committee.

Article II – Purpose

  • Added to the purpose of the SEA: “6. To strive towards justice, equity, equality, diversity, and inclusion in anesthesia education.”

Justification: The SEA’s Board of Directors has adopted this as part of its Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Mission Statement and determined it should also be included in the Bylaws.

Article IV – Officers, Section 7

  • Replace the term “him/her” to “them”

Justification: It is part of the Society’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Mission Statement to be more inclusive of all genders.

Article V – Committees, Section 4 – Standing and Ad Hoc Committees

  • Added to committee appointments and nominations requirements there should be “a focus on diversity.”

Justification: It is part of the Society’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Mission Statement to be more inclusive and diverse with Society leadership.

Article X – Termination or Dissolution

  • Updated the list of organizations if the Society ever terminates existence to The Anesthesia Foundation, Foundation for Anesthesia Education and Research, Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation, Health Volunteers Overseas and Wood Library Museum of Anesthesiology.

Justification: To align with the Society’s mission, the SEA Board has recommended that the Society’s assets be equally distributed across multiple organizations should the organization ever cease to exist.

Voting Procedure

These proposed Bylaws amendments are being presented to the SEA membership for an electronic vote to be held this Fall concurrently with the SEA Board Elections.


Please direct any questions on these proposed amendments to Dr. Karen Souter, SEA Immediate Past-President and Chairperson of the Bylaws Committee at [email protected] or Andrew Bronson, CAE, SEA Executive Director at [email protected].

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